This year, I decided to do the annual photo for our Christmas card, although we were a little dubious at how well the photo would turn out with two active kids as the subject matter. We were pleasantly surprised by our photo shoot, in which Kyle very much played up to the camera, and even used his own creative ideas when he decided to pick up Hannah (sitting on the brick steps, uhoh!) which turned out to be the best photos after all.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
It's hard to believe that after all of the preparations, the big day is finally here. Kyle's been looking forward to the day all month, despite breaking in to tears at the sight of Santa Claus!
Kyle loved the kitchen that Santa left for him and Hannah, and promptly whipped up some breakfast (carrots) for us,
while Hannah was crawling around on the floor chasing after the salt and pepper shakers.
More of Kyle's favorites were all of the PlanCity toys that he received

and Hannah now has her own baby doll, courtesy of Kyle, so she doesn't to take his all of the time!
And of course, the gifts Dave and I enjoyed most were the special moments with both Kyle and Hannah.
We were also very lucky to be able to share Christmas Day with Auntie Laura and Uncle Scott who drove down from Washington, as well as Maemo & Granpa, Noni & Papa, Uncle Mike, and Great-Uncle Charlie & Great-Aunt Doni. It was a full table again at our house!
Kyle loved the kitchen that Santa left for him and Hannah, and promptly whipped up some breakfast (carrots) for us,

and Hannah now has her own baby doll, courtesy of Kyle, so she doesn't to take his all of the time!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Visiting with Gabby
Our visits with Gabby (Hannah's closest friend age-wise) have unfortunately been too infrequent, so we had to make sure to see her along with Kim and Robert for the holidays. Who would have thought that getting 3 kids together who live an hour apart would be so difficult??
Gabby has super fashion sense, and is always eager to match with Hannah, but unfortunately, trying to get them to look at the camera, smile and NOT hold something in front of their shirts proved too much for our beauties to handle, so this was the best shot of our coordinating girls.
Kyle was very excited by his gift from Gabby, a set of three PlanCity construction trucks, and was far too distracted to sit still for a photo with the girls.

It was so much fun to see Hannah and Gabby interacting, and hopefully it won't be too long before we can get them together again. They are both growing so quickly, and before we know it we will be celebrating their first birthdays!

It was so much fun to see Hannah and Gabby interacting, and hopefully it won't be too long before we can get them together again. They are both growing so quickly, and before we know it we will be celebrating their first birthdays!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Train time
We gave Kyle his first BRIO train set for Christmas last year, and the collection has been steadily growing since then. We're not sure it would be wise to get a train table for him, as he wouldn't be able to fit his large track set ups on the small tables, instead they ramble across the entire living room floor. He's great at composing these elaborate tracks himself, which shouldn't be so surprising as he is super with jigsaw puzzles as well.
Unfortunately, Hannah always wants to playing with whatever her brother is playing with, so she tends to turn into Hannah-zilla, tearing apart the long trains or tracks and bridges that Kyle has created! We've had to resort to playing trains while Hannah is napping so there isn't as much controversy, although Kyle does now create a small train for Hannah so that she has her own...

Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy 7 months!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Hannah was just happy to cuddle up with Mama or Dada (she did quite a lot of bonding with Dave over the week!) and was happy to be moving around, getting very close to crawling now...

Maemo and Granpa (Fiona's parents) joined us for part of the week, arriving Wednesday evening, in time to help for all of the meal preparations and having a couple of days to relax before we all left for home Saturday morning.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monarch butterflies
This week we took a trip with our play group to Santa Cruz to see the Monarch butterflies at Natural Bridges State Park. It was amazing to see them hanging off the trees, and fluttering around in the sunshine, and unfortunately I think that most of it was lost to the kids. A few more years and they may appreciate it. Still I greatly enjoyed it, and plan to take a trip to Ardenwood soon to see the butterflies there.
It was difficult to get a decent photo of the butterflies on the trees of flying, but we were lucky to observe a newly "born" butterfly in the milkweed garden, still freshly out of the cocoon and unable to fly. It reminded me of an email forward that has circulated in the past which is also very relevant to the children in our lives and having to know when to let them struggle through things themselves!

It was difficult to get a decent photo of the butterflies on the trees of flying, but we were lucky to observe a newly "born" butterfly in the milkweed garden, still freshly out of the cocoon and unable to fly. It reminded me of an email forward that has circulated in the past which is also very relevant to the children in our lives and having to know when to let them struggle through things themselves!

The story is told about a man who once found a cocoon. It seems a small opening had just appeared in the cocoon and through this small opening the man watched as the young butterfly struggled to escape the confines of the container that had protected it during its metamorphosis.
After several hours it appeared the butterfly’s progress had stopped completely, prompting the man to take action. He very carefully took the cocoon in hand and used his fingers to pry it apart at the opening begun by the butterfly.
When the butterfly emerged the man noted its strange appearance. Instead of a beautiful butterfly he saw a swollen body and shriveled wings. He watched to see if it would continue to develop into the graceful beauty that adorns gardens but nothing changed. The butterfly just sat there unable to fly.
The man then began to realize that the butterfly would never fly. For it is through the struggle to escape the cocoon that the butterfly completes their transformation as the effort to break through causes the bodily fluid to flow to the new wings and gives them the strength they need for flight.
After several hours it appeared the butterfly’s progress had stopped completely, prompting the man to take action. He very carefully took the cocoon in hand and used his fingers to pry it apart at the opening begun by the butterfly.
When the butterfly emerged the man noted its strange appearance. Instead of a beautiful butterfly he saw a swollen body and shriveled wings. He watched to see if it would continue to develop into the graceful beauty that adorns gardens but nothing changed. The butterfly just sat there unable to fly.
The man then began to realize that the butterfly would never fly. For it is through the struggle to escape the cocoon that the butterfly completes their transformation as the effort to break through causes the bodily fluid to flow to the new wings and gives them the strength they need for flight.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Happy 6-month birthday!
It is hard to believe that our little girl was six months old on Saturday. The time has truly flown by, and we are enjoying every moment of it (except for when Hannah has trouble sleeping!) Kyle helped Daddy to pick out a chocolate birthday cake for Hannah, which unfortunately Hannah wasn't able to taste yet. Just 6 more months to go until she can have some for the first time.
Hannah had her check-up today and weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces and is 26.25" tall. She was very brave through 3 shots, and stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. I think Kyle gets more upset for her shots than she does!
She's been sitting up by herself for 2 months now, and very rarely topples over these days. Her rolling has increased a lot lately, and she now loves to pull herself up wherever she can - including an upturned laundry basket. This was always a favorite "walker" for Kyle, and I can see that Hannah will be pushing it around the house before we know it.

Kyle has his own use for the hamper these days!
Hannah had her check-up today and weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces and is 26.25" tall. She was very brave through 3 shots, and stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. I think Kyle gets more upset for her shots than she does!
She's been sitting up by herself for 2 months now, and very rarely topples over these days. Her rolling has increased a lot lately, and she now loves to pull herself up wherever she can - including an upturned laundry basket. This was always a favorite "walker" for Kyle, and I can see that Hannah will be pushing it around the house before we know it.

Kyle has his own use for the hamper these days!

Friday, October 31, 2008
October photos
I've been delayed on updating the blog lately, busy with both kids, and just having far too many photos to wade through. Here are a few more of my favorites from this month.
Hannah started solid foods more "seriously" just before she turned 6 months. She's still not too wild about it, and it is much more play time for her than eating.
She loves to grab for the bowl, getting a good handful of whatever is inside to squish, then trying to eat the bowl as well as playing with as many spoons as she can get her hands on. Most of the time whatever I manage to get in to her mouth just comes squirting out again, but at least she is getting a taste for it and we are beginning to practice table skills.
Sometimes when Kyle wakes up from his nap, we have some play time in his crib, including some cuddles under the blanket, or playing with toys. Hannah's face always lights up when we walk in to Kyle's room and she sees her brother, it will be great to see them playing together once she is more mobile!
One of Kyle's newest activities is "art supply time" which has recently branched out in to decorating his sister with
stickers. It often extends in to attacking me with stickers as well as his toys or teddy bears. Especially fun was decorating Hannah for Halloween...

Hannah started solid foods more "seriously" just before she turned 6 months. She's still not too wild about it, and it is much more play time for her than eating.

Happy Halloween
We have yet to take Kyle (or Hannah) trick-or-treating. It's just around their bedtime, and as they don't yet know what they are missing it is easier to skip it than to try to wrestle candy out of Kyle's hands! Still, we had our fill of costume time, with 2 Halloween parties and wearing the costumes to Tiny Treks this week too. Kyle has gotten into the spirit, with making sure that his Jack-o-Lantern has a candle in it every night as soon as it starts to get dark, and Hannah just loves trying to get the pumpkins into her mouth!
Here's a favorite one of our little ladybug who was a true sport and never seemed to mind the multiple times she was put in to her costume, even with the hood on - Guess that's what having an older brother around will do to you!

Here's our little curious girl, who carefully studies everything that she comes across...

...before trying to put it in to her mouth!
Here's a favorite one of our little ladybug who was a true sport and never seemed to mind the multiple times she was put in to her costume, even with the hood on - Guess that's what having an older brother around will do to you!

Here's our little curious girl, who carefully studies everything that she comes across...

...before trying to put it in to her mouth!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkins, pumpkins, more pumpkins
October wouldn't be complete without attending Abby and Tony's annual Pumpkin Carving Party. This was of course the first year that Kyle could actually participate in the carving, and he had a great time poking holes all over the face, as well as honing his skills with enlarging the eye holes.
Also this week we attended our friends Ben and Katie's Halloween party. Hannah enjoyed watching all of the activity around her, while Kyle had a great time checking out every one's costumes, making masks and enjoying snacks.
Below is Handyman Kyle with his best friend Farmer Ben, enjoying their Halloween treats.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Visit to Auntie Laura and Uncle Scott
Kyle had a wonderful time with his Auntie Laura here when she came for a visit just after Hannah was born, but he had a hard time remembering his Uncle Scott. So it was long overdue that we made a trip to Washington for a visit. We had a very non-eventful flight on the way up, with a very brief wait in the terminal and Kyle sleeping as soon as we were in the air, so it went much more smoothly than we had planned.
Our visit was unfortunately quite short, only 4 days when we didn't count the travel time, so it was pretty low key, with just enjoying time with Laura and Scott. We made a trip to the Tacoma Children's Museum which kept Kyle occupied for a few hours.
We also made a trip to the Tacoma Zoo, as well as a trip to the beach at Point Defiance for some play time with Bailey, as well as a family photo shoot with our favorite photographer! The four days flew by far too quickly, and Kyle was sad to leave it all behind.
Our trip on the way back was "fan-tas-tic" as far as Kyle was concerned, and that was in regards to our Mickey Mouse airplane. He has seen it out the car window as we approached the airport, but we of course couldn't promise him that we would be flying on one. Imagine his surprise when he looked out the window at our gate! Hopefully he doesn't expect Mickey Mouse to be on our airplane every time that we fly now.
Our visit was unfortunately quite short, only 4 days when we didn't count the travel time, so it was pretty low key, with just enjoying time with Laura and Scott. We made a trip to the Tacoma Children's Museum which kept Kyle occupied for a few hours.

Our trip on the way back was "fan-tas-tic" as far as Kyle was concerned, and that was in regards to our Mickey Mouse airplane. He has seen it out the car window as we approached the airport, but we of course couldn't promise him that we would be flying on one. Imagine his surprise when he looked out the window at our gate! Hopefully he doesn't expect Mickey Mouse to be on our airplane every time that we fly now.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Pumpkin Time

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Block Party

Hannah slept through both of Kyle's rides on Old Tom, so we stayed behind to wave. Hopefully she'll enjoy it next time. Needless to say, Kyle's excited to see all of the firetrucks again at next year's block party!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sitting pretty
Although I have been talking about Hannah sitting up for a couple of weeks now, all of the photos I have shared have shown her sitting against something, so I am finally getting around to posting some of her sitting on her own, and even a video of her moving. It's amazing how much strength she has gained in the past 2 weeks since she started sitting and she loves reaching for things (I keep reminding Kyle not to leave things too close to her!) Every now and then she'll forget that she is sitting and will plop backwards, but she is also getting good about catching herself sometimes when that happens and somehow manages to stay upright. Kyle wasn't sitting this well until past his 6-month birthday, so it looks like we may have an early crawler and walker on our hands, not surprising as she has a lot of keep up with her brother (and staying out of his way) to do. Kyle is still very concerned and protective of his baby sister, and if I sit her down on the floor somewhere, he will sometimes run over with the Boppy pillow, telling me that Hannah needs it so she doesn't fall over!

complaining, she isn't happy when I take things
away from her)
Here are Hannah and Kyle on the 15th,
just moments before Hannah reached over
to try to take a handful of Kyle's snack.
just moments before Hannah reached over
to try to take a handful of Kyle's snack.

This is from last Tuesday (16th),
playing with one of Kyle's many hats.
Here's Hannah today, doing some "talking" (andplaying with one of Kyle's many hats.
complaining, she isn't happy when I take things
away from her)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
California Academy of Sciences

The rest of the weekend was rather low key, after attending a birthday party Saturday morning, as Kyle and I both came down with colds. We're hoping that it isn't passed on to the rest of the family, but not sure how likely that is! For the most part, Kyle doesn't seem very bothered by it, although he did wake up one morning saying "My nose hurts" and he tries to run away every time I try to wipe it for him! We had a little outside time this afternoon, with Daddy trying to keep up with the yard work and Kyle sometimes helping, sometimes playing. Kyle left his "Billy Beeper" car parked next to Hannah, and she made a big lunge for it, thinking that it was her turn for a ride too. She can sit on it very securely, but isn't quite ready to drive it around yet!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
"Breaking" news

In other news, Kyle is considering becoming a fireman, so that he can pose for a calendar!

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