I've been delayed on updating the blog lately, busy with both kids, and just having far too many photos to wade through. Here are a few more of my favorites from this month.
Hannah started solid foods more "seriously" just before she turned 6 months. She's still not too wild about it, and it is much more play time for her than eating.

She loves to grab for the bowl, getting a good handful of whatever is inside to squish, then trying to eat the bowl as well as playing with as many spoons as she can get her hands on. Most of the time whatever I manage to get in to her mouth just comes squirting out again, but at least she is getting a taste for it and we are beginning to practice table skills.

Sometimes when Kyle wakes up from his nap, we have some play time in his crib, including some cuddles under the blanket, or playing with toys. Hannah's face always lights up when we walk in to Kyle's room and she sees her brother, it will be great to see them playing together once she is more mobile!

One of Kyle's newest activities is "art supply time" which has recently branched out in to decorating his sister with

stickers. It often extends in to attacking me with stickers as well as his toys or teddy bears. Especially fun was decorating Hannah for Halloween...
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