Kyle had a wonderful time with his Auntie Laura here when she came for a visit just after Hannah was born, but he had a hard time remembering his Uncle Scott. So it was long overdue that we made a trip to Washington for a visit. We had a very non-eventful flight on the way up, with a very brief wait in the terminal and Kyle sleeping as soon as we were in the air, so it went much more smoothly than we had planned.
Our visit was unfortunately quite short, only 4 days when we didn't count the travel time, so it was pretty low key, with just enjoying time with Laura and Scott. We made a trip to the Tacoma Children's Museum which kept Kyle occupied for a few hours.

We also made a trip to the Tacoma Zoo, as well as a trip to the beach at Point Defiance for some play time with Bailey, as well as a family photo shoot with our favorite photographer! The four days flew by far too quickly, and Kyle was sad to leave it all behind.
Our trip on the way back was "fan-tas-tic" as far as Kyle was concerned, and that was in regards to our Mickey Mouse airplane. He has seen it out the car window as we approached the airport, but we of course couldn't promise him that we would be flying on one. Imagine his surprise when he looked out the window at our gate! Hopefully he doesn't expect Mickey Mouse to be on our airplane every time that we fly now.
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