Our visits with Gabby (Hannah's closest friend age-wise) have unfortunately been too infrequent, so we had to make sure to see her along with Kim and Robert for the holidays. Who would have thought that getting 3 kids together who live an hour apart would be so difficult??

Gabby has super fashion sense, and is always eager to match with Hannah, but unfortunately, trying to get them to look at the camera, smile and NOT hold something in front of their shirts proved too much for our beauties to handle, so this was the best shot of our coordinating girls.

Kyle was very excited by his gift from Gabby, a set of three PlanCity construction trucks, and was far too distracted to sit still for a photo with the girls.

It was so much fun to see Hannah and Gabby interacting, and hopefully it won't be too long before we can get them together again. They are both growing so quickly, and before we know it we will be celebrating their first birthdays!
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