Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy 6-month birthday!

It is hard to believe that our little girl was six months old on Saturday. The time has truly flown by, and we are enjoying every moment of it (except for when Hannah has trouble sleeping!) Kyle helped Daddy to pick out a chocolate birthday cake for Hannah, which unfortunately Hannah wasn't able to taste yet. Just 6 more months to go until she can have some for the first time.

Hannah had her check-up today and weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces and is 26.25" tall. She was very brave through 3 shots, and stopped crying as soon as I picked her up. I think Kyle gets more upset for her shots than she does!

She's been sitting up by herself for 2 months now, and very rarely topples over these days. Her rolling has increased a lot lately, and she now loves to pull herself up wherever she can - including an upturned laundry basket. This was always a favorite "walker" for Kyle, and I can see that Hannah will be pushing it around the house before we know it.

Kyle has his own use for the hamper these days!

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