Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Although our shopping for Kyle was finished months ago, we are only just finding the time to come up with ideas for everyone else now. The past six months have flown by, and it is hard to believe that another year is nearing its end!

Kyle did great for his first meeting with Santa, and we even had a few smiles! Of course, he is at the stage right now where he reaches out for almost everyone to say hello - quite the social butterfly!

We are still moving along with the solid foods, having tried rice and barley cereals, and starting on oatmeal today. It should be fun to have him eating food for Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Friday, December 8, 2006

New Blog to Update on the Walkers!

With so much going on in our lives now and very little free time, we thought this would be a quick and easy way to keep everyone up to date on our family life. It's hard to believe that Kyle is now 5 and a half months old. The time has just flown by, but at the same time so much has happened and he seems to be very much the little boy - ready to get out into the world and explore it on his own.

Kyle started rolling over by himself on November 20th, although he had been trying for a couple of weeks before that and was very frustrated when he couldn't do it. Gone are the days of cuddling with our little baby, now he is constantly wriggling in our arms. We are going to be chasing after him non-stop once he is mobile and are starting to get serious about baby-proofing the house as much as possible now.

We were on quite a roll with sleeping for a while, bedtime was around 7pm and we wouldn't hear much from Kyle's room until about 5am. Just after Thanksgiving though, he started waking up at 3am, or earlier, and it was difficult to get him back to sleep. So, another big developmental step, we decided to start him on cereal every day (we'd played with it briefly before just to get him used to the idea, but not seriously introduced it) It's been nearly a week of having rice cereal twice a day now, he loves it (we hear lots of "mmmmmm") and we love that he is sleeping much better at night now.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kyle's First Halloween

Next year, Kyle might have more of a preference what he dresses up as for Halloween, but this year, Daddy decided that he would be Superman. He has quite a fondness for "flying" around the house, and with a somewhat appropriate build the costume seemed appropriate enough.

No trick-or-treating for candy this year though!

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Wallflower Photography visits CA

Although it is difficult to have Auntie Laura living so far away, it is luckily not too long a flight. Laura was able to meet Kyle when he was 2-weeks old, and then come again for a visit when Kyle turned 3-months. She took some fantastic photos at both visits, and it is amazing to see the changes as our little boy continues to grow! I hope that we don't get too used to having professional photos taken every three months, I know that this can't go on forever!

Kyle at 2-weeks

Kyle at 3-months

We'll see you soon for the 6-month photos!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Official birth announcement

Kyle Alexander Walker was born at 7:24pm on Saturday, June 24th at Sequoia Hospital. Our big boy weighed in at 10 pounds 2 oz, 21 inches length.