Saturday, January 3, 2009

One big happy family

I absolutely love seeing our kids playing with each other, it is amazing how much they adore each other, full of hugs and giggles. Kyle still gets a little over enthusiastic sometimes as he forgets that Hannah is smaller than him and only just learning how to get up on her feet, but I am sure that she'll be tackling him back before we know it!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

One of my New Year's resolutions was for us to go on a family hike at least once a month. So we started the New Year off on a good note with a hike just up the road at Bayfront Park. It was a grey chilly day but we still managed a decent hike up over the hills and then back to the car along the bay. As always, our kids were incredibly cute and extremely photogenic!

You can see two of Hannah's four new top teeth peeking out from her beaming smile.

and Kyle had his first piggyback ride!

Back at home again, we all defrosted and Hannah decided to rummage through the toy bins to see what she could find.