Thursday, May 10, 2007

First Family Vacation

Last weekend we took a family trip to Monterey to celebrate my birthday. We stayed just two blocks up from Cannery Row, so it was very convenient to get down to the Aquarium for a few visits. It was probably a little too early to take Kyle to see everything there, he didn't quite understand what we were looking at, and was probably pretty frustrated that he wasn't on the floor crawling and trying to walk!

Still, it was relaxing for us to get away, and to have some real R&R time with nothing around the house to distract us. The weather was beautiful on Sunday, but a little windy and cold on Saturday. It was the start of the salmon season in Monterey, so all of the restaurants were featuring wild salmon as a special. Kyle had some salmon as his first taste of fish and really liked it! He's become quite the social boy lately, and is waving hello and goodbye to people without any prompting now. While we were having lunch on Saturday, there was a 15-month old boy sitting at a table near us who caught Kyle's attention. Before we knew it, Kyle was waving at him and then they were both chattering back and forth.

Home again on Sunday, Kyle was so happy to be back where he could be on the floor and play with all of his toys. It was a fun trip for us to Monterey, but I think the next time Kyle will get a little bit more out of the experience.

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