It's hard for us to believe how quickly the time has flown by - Hannah is already 7 weeks old. She is full of chatter and smiles these days, so I have to take advantage of the one-on-one time I have with her when Kyle is napping to truly appreciate it. Also, during this time, she can have some uninterrupted exercise, otherwise, Kyle likes to "help" with her tummy time, which involves laying next to her and trying to lift her or draping his arm over her in a cuddle.
We have had great luck with her sleeping lately, she is usually asleep by 9:30 or so and then awake at 2:30 and again at 5:30 and will then snooze until 7am. Last night we had a little struggle getting down before 10, but after that, she was either exhausted or well swaddled because she slept until 4:30, and even then she may not have needed to wake because she only nursed for 5 minutes before falling soundly back to sleep! We will see what tonight brings.

Here are a couple more of my favorites from today.
Thinking about smiling...

...and smiling
(hidden behind her hand of course, but look at those eyes sparkle!)
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