Kyle is a wonderful gardener-in-training, and Dave is hoping that he won't lose some of his enthusiasm for working outside before

he is old enough to truly help! At this age though, he is great at bringing us items, and sometimes in cleaning up the trimmings or piles of weeds by putting them into buckets (other times he just thinks it is great fun to throw the pile all over the garden!) Of course, the challenge we have now is trying to convince him that the sharp tools are not toys, and he can't play with them all of the time, only when we are helping to do something with Daddy.
He's very aware of cameras these days, and definitely likes to pose (if he's not trying to get his hands on the camera itself) So after I took some

candid photos of him "mowing the lawn" the other day, he wanted to take a look at what was on the camera. After we had seen all of the new photos, I asked him if he wanted me to take some more of him mowing the lawn, and sure enough, he went running away to get his mower, and kept turning to check that I was still taking photos! It is hard to believe that it has been nearly a year since we gave him his lawnmower for his 1st birthday, he is such an expert at pushing it around these days, quite different from how he started.
His favorite garden tool is the blower, which he sometimes asks for first thing in the morning when he wakes up. It is also the first thing on his list of must-teach items for his little brother or sister, and somewhere after that he'll get around to teaching crawling and walking as well if he has the time!
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