On Sunday we met Kyle's friends Maddie ("Mama") and Julia ("Juju") along with their parents (our friends, Sarah and Michael!) at the Children's Playground in Golden Gate Park. We had surprisingly pleasant weather for being in San Francisco, and I ended up with a sunburnt shoulder and some rosy cheeks! Kyle had his first carousel ride, with mixed reviews - he wasn't thrilled, but didn't break down in tears insisting to get off either! I did manage to get a photo of Kyle smiling on the zebra before the ride started, but it is with his "smile-for-the-camera" big cheesy grin, which also involves eyes tightly shut!

The dads and older kids had fun playing on the large play structure (Kyle even launched himself down a TALL slide solo and masterfully stopped at the bottom) while Sarah and I had a chance to catch up with Julia checking out the smaller (and quieter) play structure.

We had a great (and sunny) picnic in Sharon Meadow before heading back to the carousel for one final ride before heading home. This time the carousel was greeted with much greater enthusiasm, perhaps because we found the right animal to ride on? (Kyle still talks about the gorillas and giraffes from our last visit to the zoo and can't wait to go back) With each pass in front of his daddy, Kyle was excited enough to let go of the pole, lean out and wave - and when the carousel started to slow, Kyle tried pushing on the giraffe to make it go faster again. Kyle was so exhausted that he fell asleep in the car before we even made it out of the park!
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