I've discovered that with two kids in tow, I need to rethink my stroller options! The single stroller that we have for Kyle isn't going to get us by anymore, and the Snap-n-Go that I use with Hannah's car seat isn't great when I need to try to contain Kyle. So I decided that having a lightweight umbrella stroller that would work for either of them would be good when we have two pairs of hands, or while Hannah is still happy in the sling, and I will get a Sit-n-Stand type stroller for when I need to have something for both of them. Dave has now accused me of being a stroller addict, but he hasn't yet ventured out of the house by himself with both of them, so he doesn't quite know what it is like!

The first of my new purchases arrived while Kyle was napping, but I left it for him to open when he woke up, he loves any boxes. He was thrilled to jump in a get a feel and then promptly decided to drag Hannah out of her bouncy chair to put her in for a test spin around the house! Hannah didn't put up with it for long, so Kyle had to resort to strapping "Baby" in after that.
Another big event for the week was 2-year and 2-month doctor visits for Kyle and Hannah. Kyle is now weighing in at 27 1/2 pounds and is 34 1/2" tall. He was a brave boy, receiving one shot and promptly recovered from the tears once he opened a present of a new Caterpillar tractor. Hannah is now 12 pounds 0.8 ounces and 23 1/2" long. Both she and I had a rough time with her 4 shots (it didn't help that she had fallen asleep during the long wait for the nurse, not very pleasant to wake up to that!) and Hannah slept much more than normal during the next 24 hours. Hopefully the next shots at 4 months aren't as traumatically for either of us.