We had a long day in the city today, with Kyle's first trip to the Exploratorium. He is still a little too young to be able to understand the concepts behind each of the exhibits, but that didn't stop

him from enjoying pushing buttons to make things move, turn on lights, or make buzzers go! Just as much fun as all of the magnets, fish, bubbles, and water fountains were the other kids to play with, as we were meeting with friends from St Mary's College. Christian and her husband Mark drove out from Fresno with their son Noah, who was great with Kyle, running around with him in the park afterward, holding his hand, and giving him big bear hugs and kisses to say goodbye when we left. He's going to make a great big brother to their little one who is also due to arrive in April. Sarah, Michael, Maddie and Julia joined us from Santa Rosa, and it was amazing to see how much Julia had grown since the last time we saw her at the SF Zoo in August. She's now rivaling Kyle in size, weighing 22 pounds and also wearing 18 month size clothes - very much the healthy and happy little girl! Jen and Ava also came up from San Jose to join us, and it's amazing how much Ava has changed since our visit to the zoo, she is now full of words, and a very observant little girl.
Before most of us had to make our escape due to much belated nap times, we were lucky enough to get a few photos of the four moms and all of the kids except for Maddie, snapped in front of the Palace of Fine Arts. We're hoping that it won't be another year before we are able to get the (growing) families together again.