Here's our littlest one, getting bigger each time that we take a peek! This time, weighing in at about 20 ounces, and measuring just as expected for 22 1/2 weeks. Dave is still convinced that the facial features are very masculine, but I believe the fact that this one is MUCH smaller than Kyle means that we have a petite little girl. It's hard to believe that we only have another 3+ months until we find out! There was a lot of action during this appointment, even though it was a very quick visit. We saw lots of swallowing, and (s)he was playing with his/her toes up above his/her head (ah, I wish I was still that flexible!) I officially "popped" the week before Christmas, so for those people who hadn't already been told, they now know they news!
Kyle still likes to "listen to the baby" if I am laying on the ground, and in fact, the other day "told" me to lay down and then he proceeded to push up my shirt a little bit and put one ear and then the other to my tummy to check if he could hear anything. Sometimes baby even gets a little wave or a kiss! I have another OB appointment on the 15th, so I am sure that he will like to hear everything through the Doppler then!