Kyle is growing up so quickly into a little boy, and is rapidly outgrowing his baby ways. It is amazing how much he understands these days, and how much he tries to communicate with us too. His signing repertoire is growing, and despite dropping "milk" he now knows "more", "hear", "where", "on", "one" (how old are you?), and "touchdown!" He can also be very persistent when he wants to show you something, or needs help, and is constantly pushing or pulling me along with him.
It's been a busy month, but no real excuses for not having posted recently. Since our last post, we have gone to the Oakland Zoo with Daddy (Labor Day) and also went to the SF Zoo again yesterday for another Moms-n-Boys Day-Out. When we were leaving the zoo yesterday, Kyle kept signing "more" and was very reluctant to leave. Needless to say, he was sound asleep in the car within 5 minutes of us being on the road home. I promised him that we would be back again soon with Daddy.
We also went to Palo Alto Airport Day last weekend, and Kyle loved to see airplanes, helicopters and firetrucks up close, as well as to see the planes taking off and landing. Next year he should be big enough that we can get a photo of him sitting in a cockpit!
There are no big upcoming plans for us, just enjoying every day that we can with our ever changing boy. I am still trying to take him to weekly swim classes (nap permitting) and trying to get him together for play dates - he is such a social boy, and loves giving hugs to his friends! There are plenty of happenings in our house, so I promise it won't be another month before another update and photo!
Here's a parting image of Kyle signing "touchdown!"