It has been quite the eventful month for us. Kyle had his 12-month check up (and unfortunately shots) last week. All is well, although he has definitely slowed down on his weight gain, and is 21 pounds now. His doctor wasn't too concerned, she said that he maybe have just had a lot of fat when he was born, and that he is just leveling out now to where he should be. But just to make sure that he is still healthily gaining weight (and not plummeting) we will return next month for a weight check.
Kyle and I are still trying to make it to weekly swim class, my work schedule permitting. Today Kyle went under the water for the first time, and really didn't seem to mind a bit, so we were able to do it a couple more times as well.
We're experimenting more and more with grown-up food now, as he is tired of having everything cut up into little pieces. He hasn't been too keen on meat at dinner time, so I have tried fish sticks and chicken pieces, which he seems happy with (luckily they are baked and not fried) In addition to that, he loves trying to open his mouth VERY wide to get a bite of the deli sandwich that I was eating for lunch.
I was brave enough to poke a finger into his mouth yesterday, and I manage to feel that his 10th tooth has now broken through (molar on his top left). So, it is no wonder he loves having so much to munch on now!
The above photo was taken this morning, of Kyle and his garden gnome playing in the water table. The photo below was taken shortly after, of Kyle peeking between two of the patio chairs. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture one of Kyle's characteristic grins, so you aren't able to see all of those teeth in there!