Saturday, March 24, 2007

9-month birthday

It's hard to believe that our little boy has now turned 9-months old! To celebrate the big day, we took a trip to the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo. There wasn't a lot of action there (the owl was sound asleep) but Kyle had fun watching the raccoon climb around and some of the fish swimming in the aquarium. And he was quite surprised by all of the noise that the goose made!

Afterward, we had a picnic in the park, followed by some fun time in the swing. Next visit, there are even more fun things to play with at the playground, maybe a ride on the motorcycle or a few trips down the slide.

After such an exciting day, Kyle was asleep as soon as we got to the car - good thing we had his new, comfortable big-boy car seat for him to relax in!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Watch out world, here he comes!

The past two weeks feel like they have been going in fast forward. Kyle managed to make it across the room for the first time on February 25th, and since then there has been no stopping him! A couple of days later he managed to stand up in his crib all by himself, never mind that he was supposed to be napping.

Now to watch him standing and sitting up, and even sitting from a standing position, you would think that he's been at this for months! He of course still prefers to be in his birthday suit for crawling on our wood floors to give him a little extra traction, but even clothed he makes good progress, and there isn't as much complaint out of him about the exertion.

We're heading up to Washington on Thursday, and looking forward to his first plane trip and first visit to Auntie Laura, Uncle Scott and of course Bailey!